جوزيف تيلور Joseph Hooton Taylor


طاقم الإدارة
Sep 10, 2006
جوزيف تيلور Joseph Hooton Taylor


جوزيف تيلور بالإنجليزية:Joseph Hooton Taylor, Jr فيزيائي

ولد جوزيف هوتن تيلور في 29 مارس 1941 بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

حاز على جائزة نوبل للفيزياء عام 1993 بالمشاركة مع راسل هالس عن اكتشافهم لنوع جديد من النجوم النباضة أفسحت المجال لدراسة موجات الجاذبية.

Taylor was born in Philadelphia to Joseph Hooton Taylor, Sr., and Sylvia Evans Taylor, both of whom had Quaker roots for many generations, and grew up in Cinnaminson Township, New Jersey. He attended the Moorestown Friends School in Moorestown, New Jersey, where he excelled in math.[1] He received a B.A. in physics at Haverford College in 1963, and a Ph.D. in astronomy at Harvard University in 1968. After a brief research position at Harvard, Taylor went to the University of Massachusetts, eventually becoming Professor of Astronomy and Associate Director of the Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory. Taylor's thesis work was on lunar occultation measurements. About the time he completed his Ph.D., Jocelyn Bell discovered the first radio pulsars with a telescope near Cambridge, England.


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