بولي كارب كوش Polykarp Kusch


طاقم الإدارة
Sep 10, 2006
بولي كارب كوش Polykarp Kusch


بولي كارب كوش (26 يناير 1911 - 20 مارس 1923) فيزيائي أمريكي - ألماني حاصل على جائزة نوبل في الفيزياء عام 1955 مشاركة مع ويليس إيجوين لامب لاستطاعته تحديد العزم المغناطيسي للإلكترون بدقة وثبت أنه أكبر من القيمة النظرية، وهو ما أدى إلى تقدم هائل في مجال الإلكتروديناميكا الكمية.

Polykarp Kusch (January 26, 1911 – March 20, 1993) was a German-American physicist. In 1955 he was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics with Willis Eugene Lamb for his accurate determination that the magnetic moment of the electron was greater than its theoretical value, thus leading to reconsideration of—and innovations in—quantum electrodynamics.
He received his bachelor's degree in physics in 1931 from Case Western Reserve University. From the University of Illinois, he received his master's degree in 1933 and his Ph.D. in 1936. He spent much of his career as a professor at Columbia University in New York City, and served as the university's provost for several years before departing for the newly-created University of Texas at Dallas. During his tenure at Columbia, he was the doctoral supervisor for Gordon Gould, the inventor of the laser.
A residential dormitory for undergraduate students at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio on the South Campus is named after Dr. Kusch. The building is named Kusch House. It is located on Carlton Road in Cleveland Heights.


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