تفاعلات فى الكيمياء العضوية


طاقم الإدارة
Sep 10, 2006
تفاعلات فى الكيمياء العضوية

410 تفاعل فى الكيمياء العضوية

Acetoacetic Ester Condensation
Acetoacetic Ester Syntheses
Acryloin Condensation
Adkins Catalyst
Adkins-Peterson Reaction
Akabori Amino Acid Reactions
Alder-Rickert Rule
Alder-Stein Rules
Algar-Flynn-Olyamada (AFO) Reaction
Allan-Robinson Reaction
Allylic Rearrangement
Amadori Rearrangement
Andrussov Oxidation
Arens-van Dorp Synthesis; Isler Modification
Arndt-Eistert Synthesis
Auwers Synthesis
Aldol Condensation
Bakeland (Bakelite) Process
Baeyer-Drewson Indogo Synthesis
Baeyer-Villiger Rearrangement
Baker-Venkataraman Transformation
Bally-Scholl Synthesis
Bamberger Triazine Synthesis
Bamford-Stevans Reaction
Barbier-Wieland Degradation
Bardhan-Senguph Phenanthrene Synthesis
Barton Reaction
Baudisch Reaction
Bechamp Reaction
Beckmann Rearrangement
Benary Reaction
Benzidine Rearrangement; Semidine Rearrangement
Benzillic Acid Rearrangement
Benzoin Condensation
Bergmann Azlactone Peptide Synthesis
Bergmann Degradation
Bergamann-Zevars Carbobenzoxy Method
Bernthsen Acridine Synthesis
Betti Reaction
Biginelli Pyrimidine Syntheis
Birch Reduction
Bischler Indole Synthesis
Bischler-Napieralski Reaction
Bischler-Triazine Synthesis
Blaise Ketone Synthesis
Blaise Reaction
Blanc (Chloromethylation) Reaction
Blanc Reaction (Blanc Rule)
Bodroux-Chichibabin Aldehyde Synthesis
Bodroux Reaction
Bogert-Cook Synthesis
Bohn-Schmidt Reaction
Boord Olefin Synthesis
Borsche-Drechsel Cyclization
Bosch-Meiser Urea Process
Bouveault Aldehyde Synthesis
Bouveault-Blanc Reduction
von Braun Degradations; von Braun Cyanogen Bromide Reaction
Bucherer-Bergs Reaction
Bucherer Carbazole Synthesis
Bucherer Reaction
Buchner-Curtius-Schlotterbeck Reaction
Buchner Method of Ring Enlargement
Camps Quinoline Synthesis
Cannizzaro Reaction
Carroll Reaction
Chapman Rearrangement
Chichibabin Pyridine Synthesis
Chichibabin Reaction
Chugaev Method
Ciamician-Dennstedt Rearrangement
Claisen Condensation
Claisen Rearrangement
Claisen Schmidt Condensation
Clemmensen Reaction
Combes Quinoline Synthesis
Conrad-Limpach Synthesis
Cope Elimination Reaction
Cope Rearrangement
Craig Method
Cram's Rule of Asymmetric Induction
Creighton Process
Criegee Reaction
Crum Brown-Gibson Rule
Curtius Rearrangement (Curtious Reaction)
Dakin Reaction
Dakin-West Reaction
Darapsky Degradation
Darzens Condensation (Darzens-Claisen Reaction; Glycidic Ester Condensation)
Darzens Procedure
Darzens Synthesis of Tetralin Derivatives
Darzens Synthesis of Unsaturated Ketones
Delepine Reactions
Demjanov Rearrangement
D. Homo Rearrangement of Steroids
Dieckmann Reaction
Diels Alder Reaction
Diels Reese Reaction
Dienol Benzene Rearrangement
Dienone Phenol Rearrangement
Dimroth Rearrangement
Doebner-Miller Synthesis (Beyer Method for Quinolines)
Doering-LaFlamme Carbon Chain Extension
Duff Reaction
Dutt-Wormall Reaction
Eder Reaction
Ehrlich-Sachs Reaction
Einhorn-Brunner Reaction
Elbs Persulfate Oxidation
Elbs Reaction
Eltekoff Reaction
Emde Degradation
Emmert Reaction
Erlenmeyer-Plochl Azlactone and Amino Acid Synthesis
Eschweiler-Clarke Reaction
Etard Reaction
Favorskii-Babayan Synthesis
Favorskii Rearrangement
Feist-Benary Synthesis
Fenton Reaction
Ferrario Reaction
Fischer-Hepp Rearrangement
Fischer Indole Synthesis
Fischer Oxazole Synthesis
Fischer Peptide Synthesis
Fischer Phenylhydrazine and Oxazone Reaction
Fischer-Speier Esterification Method
Flood Reaction
Foster-Decker Method
Foster Reaction
Franchimont Reaction
Frankland-Duppa Reaction
Frankland Synthesis
Freund Reaction
Friedel Crafts Reaction
Friedlaender Synthesis
Fries Rearrangement
Fritsch-Buttenberg-Wischell Rearrangement
Gabriel-Coleman Rearrangement (Gabriel Isoquinoline Synthesis)
Gabriel Ethylenimine Method
Gabriel Synthesis
Gallagher-Hollander Degradation
Gastaldi Synthesis
Gattermann Aldehyde Synthesis
Gattermann-Koch Reaction
Gibbs Phthalic Anhydride Process
Glaser Coupling
Gogte Synthesis
Gromberg-Bachmann-Hey Reaction
Gomberg-Free Radical Reaction
Gould-Jacobs Reaction
Graebe-Ullmann Synthesis
Grignard Degradation
Grundmann Aldehyde Synthesis
Gryszkiewicz-Trochimowski and McCombie Method
Guareschi-Thorpe Condensation
Guerbet Reaction
Gutknecht Pyrazine Synthesis
Haller-Bauer Reaction
Hammick Picolinic Acid Decarboxylation
Hantzsch Pyridine Synthesis; Gattermann-Skita Synthesis; Guareschi-Thorpe Condens.; Knoevenagel-Fries Modification
Hantzch Pyrrole Synthesis
Harries Ozonide Reaction
Haworth Methylation
Haworth Phenanthrene Synthesis
Hayashi Rearrangement
Helferich Method
Hell-Vollard-Zelimsky Halogenation
Henkel Reaction (Raecke process,Henkel process )
Henry Reaction; Kamlet Reaction
Herz Reaction; Herz Compounds
Herzig-Meyer Alkimide Group Determination
Heumann Indigo Synthesis
Hinsberg Indole Synthesis
Hinsberg Reaction
Hinsberg Sulfone Synthesis
Hoch-Campbell Ethylenimine Synthesis
Hofmann Degradation (Exhaustive Methylation)
Hofmann Isonitrile Synthesis (Carbylamine Reaction)
Hofmann-Loffler Reaction (Loffler-Freytag Reaction)
Hofmann-Martius Rearrangement
Hofmann Rearrangement
Hofmann Rule
Hofmann-Sand Reactions
Hooker Reaction
Houben-Fischer Synthesis
Hunsdiecker Reaction (Borodine Reaction)
Hydroboration Reaction
Ivanov (Ivanoff) Reagent
Jacobsen Rearrangement
Janovsky Reaction
Japp-Klingemann Reaction
Jordan-Ullmann-Goldberg Synthesis
Kendall-Mattox Reaction
Kiliani-Fischer Synthesis
Kishner Cyclopropane Synthesis
Knoevenagel Condensation
Knoop-Oesterlin Amino Acid Synthesis
Knorr Pyrazole Synthesis
Knorr Pyrrole Synthesis
Knorr Quinoline Synthesis
Koenigs-Knorr Synthesis
Kolbe Electrolytic Synthesis
Kolbe-Schmitt Reaction
Kondakov Rule
Kontanecki Acylation
Krafft Degradation
Krohnke Aldehyde Synthesis
Kucherov Reaction
Kuhn-Winterstein Reaction
Lebedev Process
Lehmstedt-Tanasescu Reaction
Latts Nitrile Synthesis
Leuckert Amide Synthesis
Leuckart Thiophenol Reaction
Leuckart-Wallach Reaction
Levinstein Process
Lieben Iodoform Reaction (Haloform Reaction)
Lobry de Bruyn-van Ekenstein Transformation
Lossen Rearrangement
McFadyen-Stevens Reaction
McLafferty Rearrangement
Madelung Synthesis
Malaprade Reaction (Periodic Acid Oxidation)
Malonic Ester Synthesis
Mannich Reaction
McMurry Reaction
Merckwald Asymmetric Synthesis
Markownikoff Rule
Martinet Dioxindole Synthesis
ter Meer Reaction
Meerwein Arylation
Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley Reduction
Meisenheimer Rearrangement
Meldrum Acid
Menshutkin Reaction
Mentzer Pyrone Synthesis
Meyer and Hartmann Reaction
Meyer Reaction
Meyer-Schuster Rearrangement; Rupe Reaction
Meyer Synthesis
Michael Condensation
Michaelis-Arbuzov Reaction
Miescher Degradation
Mignonac Reaction
Milas Hydroxylation of Olefins
Nametkin Rearrangement
Nazarov Cyclization Reaction
Neber Rearrangement
Nef Reaction
Nef Synthesis
Nenitzescu Indole Synthesis
Nenitzescu Reductive Acylation
Niementowski Quinazoline Reaction
Niementowski Quinoline Synthesis
Nierenstein Reaction
Normant Reagents
Oppenauer Oxidation
Ostromyslenskii (Ostromisslenskii) Reaction
Paal-Knorr Pyrrole Synthesis
Paneth Technique
Paolini Reaction
Passerini Reaction
Paterno-Büchi Reaction
Pechmann Condensation
Pechmann Pyrazole Synthesis
Pellizzari Reaction
Pelouze Synthesis
Perkin Alicyclic Synthesis
Perkin Reaction
Perkin Rearrangement
Perkow Reaction
Petrenko-Kritschenko Piperidone Synthesis
Pfan-Plattner Azulene Synthesis
Pfitzinger Reaction
Pictet-Gams Isoquinoline Synthesis
Pictet-Hubert Reaction
Pictet-Spengler Isoquinoline Synthesis
Piloty Alloxazine Synthesis
Piloty-Robinson Pyrrole Synthesis
Pinacol Rearrangement
Pinner Amidine Synthesis
Pinner Method for Ortho Esters
Pinner Triazine Synthesis
Piria Reaction
Polonovski Reaction
Pomeranz-Fritsch Reaction
Ponzio Reaction
Prevost Reaction
Prileschajew Reaction
Prins Reaction
Pschorr Reaction (Pschorr Synthesis)
Pummerer Reaction
Purdie (Irvine-Purdie) Methylation
Quelet Reaction
Ramberg-Backlund Reaction
Rap-Stoermer Condensation
Salol Reaction
Raschig Phenol Process
Reed Reaction
Reformatskii Reaction
Reilly-Hickinbottom Rearrangement
Reimer-Tiemann Reaction
Reissert Indole Synthesis
Reissert Reaction (Reissert Compounds)
Reppe Chemistry
Retropinacol Rearrangement
Reverdin Reaction
Richter (Cinnoline) Synthesis
von Richter Reaction
Riehm Quinoline Synthesis
Riemschneider Thiocarbamate Synthesis
Riley Oxidations
Ritter Reaction
Robinson Annelation Reaction
Robinson Schopf Reaction
Rosenmund von Braun Synthesis
Rosenmund Reaction (Arsonic Acids)
Rosenmund Reduction
Rothemund Reaction
Rowe Rearrangement
Ruff-Fenton Degradation
Ruzicka Large Ring Synthesis
Salol Reaction
Sandmeyer Diphenylurea Isatin Synthesis
Sandmeyer Isonitrosoacetanilide Isatin Synthesis
Sandmeyer Reaction
Sarett Oxidation
Saytzeff Rule
Schiemann Reaction
Schiff Reaction (Schiff Bases)
Schmidlin Ketene Synthesis
Schmidt Reaction
Scholl Reaction
Schorigin (Shorygin) Reaction; Wanklyn Reaction
Schotten Baumann Reaction
Semmler-Wolff Reaction
Serini Reaction
Simmons-Smith Reaction
Simonini Reaction
Simonis Chromone Cyclization
Skraup Reaction
Smiles Rearrangement
Sommelet Reaction
Sonn-Muller Method
Sorenson Formol Titration
Staedel-Rugheimer Pyrazine Synthesis
Stephen Aldehyde Synthesis
Stevens Rearrangement
Stieglitz Rearrangement
Stobbe Condensation
Stolle Synthesis
Stork Enamine Alkylation and Acylation
Strecker Amino Acid Synthesis
Strecker Degradation
Strecker Sulfite Alkylation
Stuffer Disulfone Hydrolysis Rule
Swarts Reaction
Tafel Rearrangement
Thiele Reaction
Thorpe Reactions
Tiemann Rearrangement
Tiffeneau Reaction (Ring Enlargement)
Tishchenko Reaction (Tischischenko-Claisen Reaction)
Tollens Reagent
Traube Purine Synthesis
Truce-Smiles Rearrangement
Tscherniac-Einhorn Reaction
Twitchell Process
Tyrer Sulfonation Process
Ullmann Reaction
Urech Cyanohydrin Method
Urech Hydantoin Synthesis
Van Slyke Determination
Varrentrapp Reaction
Vilsmeier-Haack Reaction
Voight Amination
Volhard-Erdmann Cyclization
Wagner-Jauregg Reaction
Wagner-Meerwein Rearrangement
Walden Inversion
Wallach Rearrangement
Weerman Degradation
Wenker Ring Closure
Wessely-Moser Rearrangement
Westphalen-Lettré Rearrangement
Whiting Reaction
Wichterle Reaction
Widman-Stoermer Synthesis
Willgerodt-Kindler Reaction
Williamson Synthesis
Wittig Reaction
Wittig Rearrangement
Wohl-Aue Reaction
Wohl Degradation
Wohler Synthesis
Wohl-Ziegler Reaction
Wolfenstein-Boters Reaction
Wolff-Kishner Reduction
Wolff Rearrangement
Woodward cis-Hydroxylation
Wurtz-Fittig Reaction
Wurtz Reaction
Zeisel Determination
Zerevitinov (Zerewitinoff) Determination
Ziegler Method
Zimmermann Reaction
Zincke Disulfide Cleavage
Zinke Nitration
Zinke-Suhl Reaction

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