فائدة الوضوء قبل النوم؟؟Interest ablution Fbl sleep


مؤسسي الموقع
Mar 20, 2010
مصر الحبيبة

It is narrated from ibn e Umar [r.a]

that the Messenger of Allah صل الله عليه وسلم said, “Purify these bodies, and Allah will purify you. Whenever a slave spends his night in a state of purification, an angel spends his night within his (slave’s) hair and he does not turn over during the night except that he [the angel] says: O Allah, forgive Your slave, for he went to sleep in a state of purification.”
[Reported by Tabarani and graded "good" by Sh Al-Albani]

... Lessons from the Hadith

1) Islam is a religion of purification. Purification is part of Imaan.
2) Sleep in a state of wudu, do special efforts during the cold nights of winter.
3) Spend night in a state in which angels supplicates for you.
4) Sleeping in a state of wudu/doing your wudu before sleeping is a sunnah of the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) and is a way of receiving Allah’s Forgiveness.
5)There are many narrations of the angels making supplication for those who do specific acts such as giving charity or making supplication for a brother/sister in their absence. Sleeping in a state of wudu is another way to receive the supplication of the angels.
6) Allah will purify us if we purify ourselves.
7) This hadith is a reminder for us during these cold days to not give up this sunnah!


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رد: فائدة الوضوء قبل النوم؟؟Interest ablution Fbl sleep

رد: فائدة الوضوء قبل النوم؟؟Interest ablution Fbl sleep

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