Ask yourself::

همسات حائرة

عضو ذهبي
Apr 25, 2011
أم الدنيـــــــــــا
Ask yourself::

Are You Prepared for Death?

Death is like a journey to a land from which there is no return. So before you die, be sure to pack three things to take along with you on the journey:*
Proper identification (I.D.) "Book of Record of a Person's Life"*
This covers two very important categories:*
Actions (deeds)
They must both be correct to insure an easy transition into the Next Life and a proper place in the Paradise in the Hereafter.*

Enough nourishment to last for Eternity

Sufficient garments or coverings

Are You Prepared for Death?

The grave is the first step to the Hereafter
رد: Ask yourself::

اللهم اجعل خير اعمالنا خواتيمها

واجعلنا مستعدين للقاء

ونحمل من الذاد مايكفى للقاء الله مطمئنين

بارك الله فيكِ همسات

أحدث المواضيع
